Birth&Postpartum Support Bundles
Classic Heartberry
A classic birth service bundle starting at pregnancy, lasting through 1 week postpartum. This bundle includes the following:
- 24 hour on-call doula support
- 2 meetings prior to delivery (includes discussion and creation of birthing plan)
- Daily check-in via text, call, tea time
- Access to resources, educational tools, birth&labor essentials, postpartum essentials, references
- In-person support during birth&labor (no additional fees or time restrictions)
- Immediate postpartum upport after birth including settling mom, baby, family in, newborn care basics, lactation support, partner support
- 2 in-home postpartum visits including postpartum education, newborn basics, lactation support, resources, references
- 1 full week of postpartum support, begins the day you bring baby home/next day after home birth
Ultimate Wampum
An ultimate birth service bundle starting at pregnancy, lasting through six weeks postpartum. This bundle includes the following:
- 24 hour on-call doula support
- 2 meetings prior to delivery includes discussion and creation of birth plan
- Access to resources, educational tools, birth&labor essentials, postpartum essentials, references
- Daily check-in via text, call, tea time
- Newborn care review
- In-person support during birth&labor (no additional fees or time restrictions)
- Immediate postpartum support after birth including settling mom, baby, family in, newborn care basics, lactation support, partner support)
- In-home traditional meal prep or pre-made meal menu to customize drop-off and freezer friendly meals for birthing people and their family
- Access to plant medicine for postpartum healing including nokummes tea, postpartum vagina steam, essential oil rollers, reusable ice packs, padsicles, pads, breastfeeding essentials)
- Postpartum support begins the day you bring baby home/next day following home birth, lasts up to six weeks postpartum
The Village
A postpartum service bundle starting at 1 week postpartum, lasting through six weeks postpartum. This bundle includes the following:
- Home tour, support and care system planning, meet partner and family
- Safe space to unpack and discuss birth experience
- Safe space to discuss preferences and goals for postpartum experience and breast/chestfeeding journey
- Daily check-in via text, call, tea time, postpartum and lactation tips
- In-home visits during each week of postpartum care including aide newborn feedings, assuring household rests, lactation support, light housekeeping, caring for other children, traditional meal prep, Q&A
- Customizable postpartum recovery bundle including postpartum vagina steam, postpartum bath soak, padsicles, herbal healing pads, breastfeeding essentials, postpartum and lactation-inspired traditional gifts
included in any of the birth support bundles
Partners Need Love Too!
Supporting your partner during pregnancy, birth&labor, and postpartum.
Sometimes partners feel overwhelmed by the process that takes place during this sacred journey. They often express feeling helpless when it comes to supporting a birthing person, their partner. As I’m tending to mom and baby’s needs, I’ll make sure to check in with partners to discuss any fears or emotions they may be feeling.
Travel Doula Services
Ultimate Wampum
An ultimate birth service bundle starting at pregnancy, lasting through six weeks postpartum. This bundle includes the following:
- 24 hour on-call doula support
- 2 meetings prior to delivery includes discussion and creation of birth plan
- Access to resources, educational tools, birth&labor essentials, postpartum essentials, references
- Daily check-in via text, call, tea time
- Newborn care review
- In-person support during birth&labor (no additional fees or time restrictions)
- Immediate postpartum support after birth including settling mom, baby, family in, newborn care basics, lactation support, partner support)
- In-home traditional meal prep or pre-made meal menu to customize drop-off and freezer friendly meals for birthing people and their family
- Access to plant medicine for postpartum healing including nokummes tea, postpartum vagina steam, essential oil rollers, reusable ice packs, padsicles, pads, breastfeeding essentials)
- Postpartum support begins the day you bring baby home/next day following home birth, lasts up to six weeks postpartum
*travel doula services are currently provided for the following sister tribes: Mashantucket Pequot, Eastern Pequot, Mohegan, Narragansett, Mashpee Wampanoag
Afterbirth Support Bundles
Lactation Support
A lactation support bundle for birthing and lactating people seeking lactation resources, tools, referrals, and support.
- Safe space to discuss personal preferences and goals for lactation journey, support and breast/chest and nipple care
- Daily check-in via text, call, comfort tips, care tips
- Access to educational resources, tools, referrals
- In-home visits including aide in care plan, ensuring household rests, traditional meal prep, breastmilk storage, Q&A
- Access to participate in traditional meal train including gift cards, monetary donations, community meal drop-offs
*care lasts up to six weeks after beginning support service
Abortion Care Support
An abortion care support bundle for those experiencing pregnancy release. This bundle includes the following:
- Safe space to discuss personal preferences and goals for abortion experience, support and care plan, recovery options
- Daily check-in via text, call, comfort tips, care tips
- Access to educational resources, tools, and references
- In-home visits during and after abortion experience including aide in care plan, assuring household rests, light housekeeping, traditional meal prep, Q&A
- Safe space to unpack and process abortion experience
- Access to plant medicines for abortion care including Nokummes tea, postpartum vagina steam, essential oil rollers, reusable ice packs, moon cycle essentials
- In-home traditional meal prep or pre-made meal menu to customize drop off and freezer friendly meals during abortion process
- Customizable abortion recovery bundle including post-pregnancy release vagina steam, post-pregnancy release bath soak, padsicles, pads, essential oil rollers, abortion inspired traditional goodies
*care begins before, during or after pregnancy release, lasts up to six weeks after pregnancy release
Extra Support Bundles
An emotional support bundle for those experiencing pregnancy-related grief and loss. This bundle includes the following:
- Support and care system planning, meet partner and family
- Safe space to discuss preferences and goals when coping with loss experience and grief journey ahead
- Daily check-in via text, call, tea time, references
- Safe space to unpack and discuss loss experience
- Access to plant medicine for healing, traditional healing remedies, resources, tools
- References for local grief counselors and therapists
- In-home visits during each week of grief&loss care including ensuring rest of household, light housekeeping, traditional meal prep, Q&A
- Access to participate in traditional meal train including gift cards, monetary donations, community meal drop-offs and other volunteer opportunities
- Customizable pregnancy release bundle including postpartum vagina steam, postpartum bath soak, essential oil rollers, mooncycle supplies, healing-inspired traditional goodies
*care begins during or after pregnancy-related loss experience, lasts up to six weeks after loss